کتاب مترجمی زبان انگلیسی translation studies

کتاب مترجمی زبان انگلیسی translation studies


در کتاب مترجمی زبان انگلیسی translation studies، به تالیف طیبه موسوی میانگاه و مریم محمدی ده چشمه، سعی شده سوالات ارشد دانشگاه دولتی و آزاد سال‌های 1381 الی 1388 را در حوزه‌ مطالعات ترجمه جمع‌آوری شود.

اگرچه خوانندگان اصلی کتاب مترجمی زبان انگلیسی، سؤالات کارشناسی ارشد، دانشجویان رشته ترجمه‌اند که مایل به حضور در آزمون MA در دوره اصلی خود هستند، دانشجویان دیگری که علاقه‌مند به مطالعات ترجمه هستند نیز می‌توانند از مطالعه این کتاب بهره‌مند شوند.

کتاب مترجمی زبان انگلیسی، جهت سهولت در یادگیری، به فصل‌ها و بخش‌های مختلف تقسیم شده است. هر فصل به موضوع خاصی در مطالعات ترجمه و آزمون‌های MA (پاسخ‌ها را می‌توان در بخش‌های مورد بحث یافت) پرداخته است. متن انتخاب شده در ابتدای هر فصل از کتاب‌ها، مقالات و جزوه‌های مختلف در ترجمه گرفته شده است و فهرستی از منابع موجود در این متون در پایان کتاب ارائه شده است.

The present book is an attempt to collect the MA questions from 1381-1388 on Translation Studies in bothState and Azad universities of Iran. Although the main readers of this book are students of Translation desiring to attend MA examination on their major course, other students having some interest in Translation Studies can also have benefit of studying it.

Here, it has been tried to divide the book into chapters and sections in order to be more tangible for the students. Each chapter discusses a certain topic in Translation Studies followed by those MA tests whose answers can be found in the discussed parts. The selected texts at the beginning of every chapter have been extracted from different books, articles and pamphlets on Translation, and a list of references used in these texts has been provided at the end of the book.

At the end, it should be noted that preparation of this book was undoubtedly impossible without serious attempts of Miss. Mohammadi, one of my best students, for the present studying Translation for getting MA degree in Allame Tabatabaee University. I hope this collection can be of great help for students of Translation to find their ways into realistic goals.
فهرست مطالب

Chapter 1: Main Issues
Translation Process
A Brief History of the Discipline
The Holmes/Toury 'map'
Descriptive Translation Theory
Translation Theories
Applied Translation Studies
Tests of MA Examination
Chapter 2: Translation before 20th Century
Faithfulness, spirit and truth
Early attempts at systematic translation Theories
Tests of MA Examination
Chapter 3: Translation Theorists I
Roman Jakobson
Eugene Nida
The Influence of Chomsky
Leipzig school
Tests of MA Examination
Chapter 4: Translation Theorists II
Vinay and Darbelnet
Tests of MA Examination
Chapter 5: Translation Theorists III
Czech Writings on Translation
Van Leuven-Zwart’s Comparative-Descriptive Model of Translation Shift
Tests of MA Examination
Chapter 6: Translation Theories
Text Type
Translational Action
Translation-Oriented Text Analysis
Polysystem Theory
Toury and Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS)
The Concept of Norms of Translation Behavior
House’s Model of Translation Quality Assessment
Tests of MA Examination
Chapter 7: Machine Translation
Machine-Aided Translation
Machine-Translation (or Automatic Translation)
Direct Systems
Second-Generation Indirect Systems
Theoretical Approaches
New Paradigms
Some Representative Instances
Tests of MA Examination
Chapter 8: Langauge Functions and Text-Types
The Expressive Function
The Informative Function
The Vocative Function
The Aesthetic Function
The Phatic Function
The Metalingual Function
Translation Methods
Word-for-word Translation
Literal Translation
Faithful Translation
Semantic Translation
Free Translation
Idiomatic Translation
Communicative Translation
Comments on These Methods
The Translation of Metaphors
Types of Metaphor
Tests of MA Examination)
Chapter 9: Other Related Items
Kinds of Translations
The Semantic Structure of Language
Semantic Hierarchy
Classifying Propositions
Situational Meanings of Propositions
Types of Interpretation
Consecutive Interpreting
Simultaneous Interpreting
Tests of MA Examination
Tests without texts
Answer Keys

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